About the Artist

Hello friends! My name is Alyssa Springer, I am a 27 year old self taught artist!

I love to wire wrap healing crystals into pendants, earrings, and rings! I have always been drawn to the healing properties of stones/ crystals ever since I could remember! 
My favorite designs to wrap are trees, plants and animals.

I started wire wrapping jewelry in the midst of Covid-19 and I'd have to say it really helped me cope with depression, anxiety and cptsd. It has been such a great way for me to wind down & get my creativity flowing! 

I started wire wrapping as a way of therapy that I am hoping to turn into a full time passion that pays!  I don't like to say "job" because that makes it sound more dense & less enjoyable lol.  

I really appreciate you being here & checking out a little piece of my creative mind!